Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Church and School

Tonight I found myself thinking about Church and school. Many of you know I work for my almater Greater Atlanta Christian. A very fine Christian institution, and tonight like every night this week I was face with a dilemna. Whether to wear shorts or not? I know this is not a big deal for many. I considered myself a visitor tonight and have seen some their own members wearing shorts. I was running late tonight returning my nephew home and running back to hear Randy tonight. I still had my shorts on, but went home anyway to change into jeans. What is appropriate to wear to services? Because many of my students attend along with their parents, I changed clothes. My norm would have been to wear what I had on and if anyone had a problem with it, it would just be their problem. I am glad I still wear whatever I want at East Cobb, but even there, some would love for me to wear a suit. I always tell those that their next worship leader will wear a suit. Anytime they are ready to find him, let me know. Suit no more, only on those occasions( funeral, wedding- where I am the groom)

I have mentioned Texas in my previous post, where I received a lecture before being hired full time as a worship minister on what is appropriate to wear not only to church but in the office setting. I don't mind dressing up, but I don't get the whole outside appearance means more than substance. Anyway, how has any of you dealt with this in your adult life? A big reason for me to love teenagers is relationship. They will tell me when my hat don't match my clothes or shoes not matching clothes. The teens don't really focus on that but the relationshi(ok, most of the time) . Why can't we as adults do that? Why did I have a dilemna tonight! I don't know! Randy was good again, but this is what was on my mind tonight. Sleep well, TerryD


Liz Moore said...

I think part of our dilemma on dress, at least for me, is always being told growing up that you wear your best for God. While I believe that is true to an extent, I also don't believe He cares what we are wearing as long as we are respectful in what we wear. Too many people put to much emphasis on what we wear on the outside rather than what we are wearing on the inside. Our relationship with God is what's most important, not what we are wearing while we worship and praise Him.

James E. Miller said...

I grew up in a church where dress was extremely casual. Some men wore shorts while presiding at the Lord's Supper table.

I think there is a place for that kind of style. My home church reached out to the poorer/un-churched community of St. Louis, and wearing suits and dresses may not have been as effective in reaching that population.

For me, however, I always have felt compelled to dress nicer. But I think most of us conform to the acceptable standards around us. If everyone else is wearing khakis and a dress shirt, we fell like we should, too. If shorts are appropriate, then we will wear them as long as we're not the only ones showing off our legs.

I don't think God really cares how nicely we dress. But our attire does send a message to others whether we like it or not.

The question is, do we want to send a message of conformity and of maintaining the status quo with our dress (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), or do we want to send a message of individuality (which isn't necessarily a bad thing either)?

TD said...


Are you sure you are not a politician? Thanks for commenting!

Liz, I also agree with you and this is why I struggle being told wear your best ( God requirement or Man requirement) Have a blessed day!