Saturday, July 4, 2009

It is summer!

I have had a pretty busy summer sort of. I have spent a lot of time with my mom and family. I continue to be amazed at how my family see me differently than I see myself. We have had to spend so quality time together. I am getting to know them better as they are getting to know me. When I left for college, I left. It was a major goal of mine to change the pattern history of my family. My family background is well grounded in poverty. I did not want that for myself. My change really occurred during high school when I started working. I got to see how much more there was to life when you could afford to do the things most people got to do.

I have been back in Georgia for 3 years now. I am learning more about my aroma with family. Every time I go to a movie I reflect on it as it deals with my family. The movie "The Proposal" Sandra Bullock had a moment in that movie that almost made me cry. I do have a family, but almost have operated as though I did not have one. I am praying to God for me to find the balance to reengaged without enabling. This is very hard thing to do. I love my mom more than anyone on this earth. Sometimes I do treat her with the respect that I think I do. I try to be the best son ever, and at times I can be the worst.

I am a Christian. I true follower of Jesus Christ. This is a conflicting issue for my family. Although there is a belief in God, following God daily would be a struggle. I want my family to know that we will struggle together. Spending more quality time is my attempt to make this happen. I take my stand, but do not put my belief on them. No one can smoke or drink in my car or house. I do draw the line there.

Perfect! I could only wish. I am working on my walk with God this summer. I am serving him, but want to continue my journey of trusting him with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I am working on loving others more than myself. Patrick Meade spoke recently at Lipscomb saying that we have to Love the Nobodies. It is easy to love the somebodies, but work on loving the nobodies. Please pray that my journey this summer will be a good one, so I can share it even more with my students this fall, and my Church.