Monday, June 25, 2007


Well today was pretty good. My campers took the news pretty well about the robbery. Coach Davis made it a part of his morning devo. Many were sad and were concern about this. Well, today was my first day to start walking back and forth to work. This experience is highly overrated. Just like running, who said it was fun. It rained today when I began and I delayed leaving. I waited and then proceeded home to have the rain to continue. Well, I know most woman want a BMW. Well, I hope they don't mean BLACK MAN WALKING. I have to admit this is good for me. I scheduled my annual check up for next monday. I guarantee you I know what he will say. Eat less, exercise more, lose weight! How many have never heard that from a doctor. Anyway, my papers for my bank loan for a house came in, so tomorrow I hope will be my last outing in looking for a house. I have the papers in hand to hopefully close in middle of next month so I will have a few weeks in my new home before school starts. Have a blessed day!


Liz Moore said...

You crack me up!! Black, Man, Walking... only you would come up with that one! Reminds me of your "Just a little chocolate Jesus!" :)

And yes, I know my doctor would say the same thing. That's why I'm not going yet. I'm working on it!

Good Luck on the house hunting. I know God has just the perfect one waiting for you. You might just want to check on the crime reports before you sign on the dotted line! :) Love ya!

john alan turner said...

Sorry to hear about the robbery. I'm glad you're safe, though.

It sure was great to see you Sunday night. Now that I'm going to be in your neck of the woods more often, maybe we could grab lunch sometime.

Rachel said...

What a blessing you are safe! You are so blessed the robbers didn't take more than they did!

Glad everything with the house searching is going well. Hope you find the house that is exactly what you want and one where the Lord will be able to use it for his glory!

I agree with Liz..BMW--only you would come up with that! That is just one of the things that makes you so great! You always keep us laughing! Love ya!