Sunday, July 8, 2007

This week's benchmark July 8-14

Stolen from Terry Rush Blog: I will look this week to see how I am doing! Terry wrote we are ahead of the world in our thinking how are you this week?~

Here are ten items I see the kingdom already knows while the world lags behind:
Terry Rush

To live, die to self.
To keep, give away.
To be strong, use your weaknesses.
To win, lose.
To perpetually preserve in memory, consume weekly (Lord's Supper).
To win an argument, don't argue.
To get a lot done, don't engage in a lot of things. Focus.
To be effectively active, be still and know He is God.
To lead well, care about the reject.
To care about the reject, remember if it weren't for His mercy you would still be one.

1 comment:

Liz Moore said...

I just read this on Terry's blog. Great list! Enjoy day camp!