Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Leadership- Teens/ Adults

I have spent the last couple of days catching up on many things. One, would be spending quality time wth my nephews and nieces. I have learned so much this week about leadership with teens. They are still watching the adults. We have to be honest with them. We forget sometimes they are still very young. I love quality time with my nephews and nieces when I am not in a rush to go somewhere. I needed to catch up. It has help me in my preparation for the Oklahoma Chrisitan Leadership Academy that I am speaking at next week. I am so looking forward to this gathering. I get to visit with some friends I have not seen in a few months while there. Anyway, be praying for teens all over the world. The adults still have a role in helping the teens lead. They would still like for adults to lead them now while they are still learning. Let's never forget that! Be Good!

1 comment:

Liz Moore said...

I will be praying! Be safe on your trip. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!