Sunday, May 4, 2008

What I miss most about full time ministry!

I miss a lot of thing about full time ministry. Having a day off in the middle of the week was great! I would take Thursday's off. I would usually sleep in and be a bum most of the day. I would go to a mall to people watch. It was great! I also got the opportunity to go to Pepperdine lectures and Tulsa Workshop. I am not a bible teacher at a Christian school. At this point I would have to be invited to go to these places during the school year. I do long for those days again.

But... I am getting ready to have 10 weeks off for the summer. I have planned a very busy one. I like the fact that I do have all of this time off. Next summer, I want to try to do nothing. I know, I don't think I will do it either.

Weigh in is tomorrow for me. I have been walking for 2 weeks and want to weign in every 2 weeks to see if it is making a difference on my weight. I am hungrier than normal when I get up in the mornings. This has made me eat breakfast which the doctor said was a good thing.

12:11 went alright today. We had over 40 this morning. Our regular preacher was gone, and it was mission sunday. We always have a sub for this service. I try my best to bring the same excitement, but we are preacher driven society at East Cobb. Got to have the preacher! Anyway, not too bad of a thing. I hope your week goes well. Bye!

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