Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hopefully more healthy!

Well, today I went to see a dentist and a foot doctor. Back in 2001, I had foot surgery to deal with an ulcer I had on my foot. Weird, huh? Anyway, I usually return to the foot doctor about every 2 years. Except, I had not been in 5. A very comical experience I would say about my day. Last Friday, I ate at one of my favorite restaurant, no not cracker barrel(that was the next day) but Jim n Nic"s. I love their ribs which remind me of Red,Hot and Blue in Texas. Anyway, last Friday was horrible, so I ended the day at my favorite place to eat. I now have learned I cracked my wisdom tooth during this experience. I knew I did something but did not know for sure until today. Anyway, the dentist had already had a list of things to do after my cleaning. I will visit the dentist again later this month for my cracked wisdom tooth removal.

Good news, I have been counting calories all month long. Toward the end of the month, I have started guilt free Sunday's or Count free Sunday's. I usually will eat around 2000 calories a day. I have been doing really good by not eating in the cafe. Ms. Carolyn is one great cook. I just can't eat it right now. I did partake of Super chicken and another casserole day. I paid for it, because I had to walk longer in order to burn those extra calories which were above 2000. I found that with my drinking of sweet tea or sodas, I was consuming over 1200 calories alone not counting the meal itself. I am surprise that I have not lost all the weight I need to lose just this month by cutting those things out.

I did get dehydrated twice. I learned to drink Gatorade before and after my walks and drink even more water. I did discover adding crystal light made the water that much better. No worries I count those calories too. All in all this past month has been a good thing. Going for my regular checkups have been good as well.

I am also back on my Dave Ramsey plan, after reading a quote if people would pay attention to their finances like they pay attention to their weight they would be a lot better off. Well, I back on your plan, Dave.

Tomorrow back to the kiddos. I know, I love kids. I don't know why I love them so much. I don't have any of my own. Weird? Probably?

Have a great week. Hope to check in more often.

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