Sunday, October 5, 2008

October is here!

15-6 is our final record for my JV Volleyball coaching career. I am done. I will say it again, I am done! I remembered why I quit when I was in Dallas besides moving to Atlanta. Coaching is different from being the Chaplain. Chaplaincy is a very positive job. One would have to try to make it a negative one. Coaching can be fun. It does involve parents, players, and fans. If you could get them all rowing in the same direction the coach would have fun. Please understand, I am an intense coach who likes to win. Every game if possible, you understand. I don't like to lose. Anyway, it is over and my prayer is that my players learned something about life while playing for me.

Catalyst is this week. Anyone going? It could not have come at a better time. I have it from Wednesday to Friday. Next week is our annual Washington DC trip with 7th graders. I have already seen who I will be chaperoning so it should be a good trip. I love this time with the kids.

JH missions is kicking in now. I just finished Volleyball and now it is time to kickoff our Missions and service program in the Junior High. We will be going to New Orleans during winterbreak, and Phillippi West Virginia during Springbreak. Both trips are service oriented. Life changing events for some, because they will be introduce to hard labor. Yeah!

October, I am or will be focusing on the social life. I know I am getting older, and probably need to channel some of this energy of mine.(Don't laugh, I know you knew this long time ago) Please be in prayer for all that will happen here in October.

1 comment:

Liz Moore said...

You say you're done now, just wait until next season rolls around and they are begging you to come back. You know you will! :)

Sounds like some great trips coming up. Enjoy! Be sure and call us if you come into town. We have an empty room or two now!