Saturday, August 9, 2008

I had a good week last week!

I had a very good week last week. I got to lead worship at my home congregation, during our faculty spiritual day, and an area wide in Houston Texas was my start of the week. I really enjoy returning to my home church. I love encouraging them, and visiting with lifelong friends.

We started back to school as teachers this week. I got the opportunity to lead worship as we return. This group loves to sing,and this is the Highlight of the week. We were in the throne room baby. It was awesome.

I got on a plane that afternoon to go to Houston for an area wide youth rally. Had to miss our day of service as teacher, but I got to serve and lead worship as Jeff Walling presented Grace in his usually great fashion. It was good to catch up with some friends there as well.

4am I leave for the airport to fly back to Atlanta and catch a plane to Dallas and then to Oklahoma City where I got an opportunity to speak to some very bright high school kids. I had a three hour lay over in Dallas, and got a chance to have lunch with two of my very good friends from there at my favorite Dallas area restaurant Red Hot and Blue. I got the Ribwich combo memphis style that included a two bone rib. It was goooood! I should have order a full rack of ribs. I love the food, the company was even better.

iDebate at Oklahoma Christian is where I was to speak Tuesday night. The kids responded very well and blogged about their experienceYou can find their blog here. Again, I had a lot of fun talking to them about Leadership. They thought I was very funny, but really listen to what I had to say. It was good to visit with another good friend there. We went back to my college days, and it was fun to think about those times.

4am again, I leave for the airport to return to Atlanta. I got back in timeto meet the boys of Junior High(male teachers) We meet for lunch once during our inservice to catch up and bond. I was glad I made it back for that.

Volleyball Wednesday thru Friday. I had to teach my team our serve-receive defense. We scrimmage the varsity and I saw they had learned a lot this week. We did not win against them, but played very well. They were focus.

It was a great week. I will attempt to include pictures in this post.

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