Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday was good!

Sermon went alright! I wished I had more time to prepare. This will always be the case when it comes to preaching for me. I am feeling comfortable doing it these days. I remember there was a time I could not put two words together when speaking in front of a crowd. Understand when I say, leading worship is a lot easier because the crowd is doing the same thing you are compared to preaching where all they are doing is listening.

JV Volleyball camp this week. I am looking over my coaching volleyball book tonight. Getting back into the coaching arena. It is fun! I will be busy for the next 12 weeks with volleyball. I will update you on our games. I know many of you are shocked that I am coaching. I did it in Dallas, and it was a lot of fun. Who knows, I might want to get back into choral directing after this experience here in Georgia.

Later on this week, I will take a few days of rest. I know I need it. School is right around the corner. Where does all the time go in the summer!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Glad it went well! I wish I could have been there to hear it! I sure do miss your singing and enthusiasm for the Lord!!

Hope volleyball camp goes well!