Wednesday, June 13, 2007

East Cobb Church of Christ

I thought tonight I would blog about the current church I am attending and working for today. When I say it like that, some may think that I will leave. I don't know what the Lord has planned for me. I know I am driven by need. I think I am needed there and that I am contributing to what is happening there. This church and it's leader was there for me at a transition point where I needed many things. They welcomed me like I was a celebrity or something. I appreciated the leadership then and I do now. I have worked for many churches, and have seen many types of leaders in the shepherd's role. I appreciate their willingness to care more about the people than building and things. Are these men perfect? No! Am I perfect? No! We do get to listen to Preacher Ray! I called him Preacher Ray, because he wears many hats. I mentioned in a previous post about preacher's I enjoy listening to. As Ray reminded me that his name was not there, it really was an oversight. I enjoy hearing him preach the word each sunday because it seems so fresh. I have left (I can honestly say) many sunday feeling challenge in my faith and walk with God. He is very passionate about preaching the word of God. Ray has many hats, and I am one who is grateful that one of those is preaching at East Cobb. Ray tells me that he knows I can go and lead at any church I want, I usually have to tell him he's crazy. Not too many places can handle a worship leader like me. I love letting the spirit guide me during the planning and during the actual worship service. This has scared many preachers over the years, but Ray and many at East Cobb has encouraged me to stay the course. Keep listening to the spirit and his guidance. I am thankful for a church like East cobb that wants to see God's message spread throughtout the world. I am glad God has brought me here. I pray that God will keep me here. Like my regular ministry with GAC, I want to be a Lifer. Only God knows the timeline with that. So, to East Cobb, I say thank you and I love you! We are not perfect, but we are on the right track as long as we let the spirit guide us. TD


kids said...

Hey Terry,

My sister Tess interned at East Cobb a couple of years ago.

Small world.. :-)


corncobb said...

Hey Terry-
not sure if you remember me from Ka Re Ta or not, but thought I'd say Hi. Scott shared your blog. Good reading.
Take care.

Liz Moore said...

I'm so glad you have found a place to connect with and to help stay connected to Jesus through your worship leading. You are truly a gifted leader and their aren't many out there like you. I love the way you can let the Spirit move you even in the middle of service and move away from what you have planned because you know He is leading somewhere else. We have a great well blended worship service at Highland Oaks. But just know that you are missed greatly!

does it matter said...

HI TERRY. Just saw your blogsite on Miller's blog site. I am terribly upset with his comments about our family. Terry, it has been awful what we have gone through. The number of Biblical Lessons we have lived through the past few weeks. It was all I could do to not respond to Miller. Of all people, an HU alumni to turn on family. Very sadden by this tonight.

But with the whole "prank" media overblown story, all of this, even tonight after reading his sorely misguided thoughts, ran across your blog site. I have thought about you often my friend. And share daily things you taught me. I have missed you.

It is important to me that you know, Don would never allow children to be harmed. The media twisted, quoted things he NEVER said, and dug for a story. WAY blown out of the water. 2 familys stirred the trouble out of 69 families. You know how that is I am sure. He was the administrator present, not the master mind from the prank that DID occur, unlike the one painted in the media.

It has been terrible. We are good people, and you just don't ever expect to find yourself here. All it takes is one or two to fabricate. Awful.

For what it is worth, I wanted you to know the truth. Please pray for we pick up the remaining pieces of our life.

Would love to hear from you.

Angie said...

TERRY!!! Hey. It's Sickbert! Remember me? I found you on Chad Joice's blog. I read a few things of yours just to catch up. I guess I was most curious about if you had married. That's ok. The 42 yr old wasn't the one. I did think that was a funny 1st date. We'll have to work on your 1st dates a little more, unless of course, the girl is over 40. Man it's good to see you (on the blog) and know that you're doing ok. Kyle and I have been married 10-yrs now and have 2 boys. Another boy on the way. So that's what we've been told. We live in Republic, MO, just outside Springfield. We've been here 4 yrs. and I don't think we're going anywhere anytime soon. Isn't this a fun way to get reconnected to people you haven't seen or heard about in yrs.? Take care of yourself. -Angie-